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Blog: Investment in childcare must be a policy priority

Blog: Investment in childcare must be a policy priority
Blog article by Roisin Mallon, Senior Policy Manager

Childcare is of crucial importance in the lives of every working parent.  It often dictates the choices they are able to make about where they work, what hours they work, or even whether they work.  And, of course, it has a huge influence on the welfare and development – and the happiness - of their children.

Roisin MallonThe Equality Commission is particularly concerned about this issue, as difficulties in accessing affordable, high quality childcare have a significant impact on the lives and employment prospects of women as well as on the options open to families. When we look at the reasons why people present as unavailable for work, for example, we find that one in twenty men link that situation to family or home commitments. The comparable figure for women is one in three.


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