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Key Inequalities in Education - new research report

Key Inequalities in Education - new research report
The Commission is holding an event to launch a research report on the key inequalities in education in NI.



The Equality Commission is holding an event to launch the research reportKey Inequalities in Education’, authored by Burns et al., from the School of Education in Queen’s University Belfast.  We will also share our Draft Statement on Key Inequalities in Education, which stems from the Queen’s research report.  This statement will be the first in a series of statements examining inequalities in Northern Ireland.


This event provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the research findings and the Draft Statement.  A summary of the statement will be made available to attendees in advance of the event. 


The Draft Statement highlights the Commission’s assessment of the inequalities and educational experiences faced across the equality grounds in Northern Ireland.  The inequalities were distilled from the Queen’s research report and further analysis of available data and key literature, as well as input from key stakeholders.   The Draft Statement also draws attention to areas where it was not possible to identify inequalities due to a lack of data.

Date: Tuesday 6th October 2015; 10am-1pm
Venue: Malone College, Finaghy Road North, Belfast


To attend this event please Register Online.  If you require any assistance, please contact Cynthia Rice on 029890 500673 /


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