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Making equality work

Making equality work
NI businesses making equality work


“Equality is central to economic progress in Northern Ireland and as a society we need to develop and use the skills of all our people, harness their energies and serve their needs without unnecessary or unlawful exception or exclusion,” Evelyn Collins, Chief Executive of the Equality Commission told an employability conference at the La Mon Hotel on 20 November. “The Equality Commission, through a new publication called ‘Making Equality Work’, is hoping to encourage organisations throughout Northern Ireland to do just that.”

The publication showcases stories from 19 organisations throughout Northern Ireland which show equality being put into action with real business benefits.

They include an adventure centre which, by focusing on disability access at its premises, has ensured that disabled people can engage in a variety of exciting activities; an engineering firm which has worked to make its business more attractive to women and a government agency which adopted a new way of working to assist people from ethnic minority groups and which has also got knock-on benefits for others.

“Through our work with employers, the Commission wants to encourage opportunities for employment for those who are most marginalised. We see this as key to addressing inequalities which remain a reality of life for many people in Northern Ireland,” Evelyn Collins said.  “We are encouraged that so many have decided to go beyond the basic legal requirements of compliance with the law and followed on to the next level of excellence and good practice.”

The Conference, attended by over 100 employers, was also addressed by the Employment and Learning Minister Dr. Stephen Farry.

To read more of the experience of employers who have changed the direction of their businesses and increased the diversity of their workplaces, visit Making Equality Work on our website.



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