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Public consultation on advice to public authorities

Public consultation on advice to public authorities
The Commission is proposing to amend its guidance for public authorities on the timescales for public consultations that are committed to in their Equality Schemes.

Our proposals
The Commission currently recommends that a consultation period should last for a minimum of 12 weeks, however, our proposal is to amend this set period to a more flexible recommendation that adequate time be allowed for meaningful and effective consultation.

Your feedback
We welcome your feedback on our proposals:

The consultation period ends on Monday 9th May 2016 at 5pm

Consultation event
There will be a consultation event which will provide the opportunity to feed back in person on the questions raised in the consultation. We would also like to use the opportunity to hear about examples of effective engagement and consultation in relation to the section 75 duties and for those groups covered by the Section 75 categories.

Date: Tuesday 26 April 2016; 10:30am
Venue: Riddell Hall, 185 Stranmillis Rd, Belfast

To attend the event or if you would like this information in an alternative format please email: