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Blog: The magic of Mela - celebrating diversity in Northern Ireland

Blog: The magic of Mela - celebrating diversity in Northern Ireland
Blog article by Rev Lesley Carroll, Deputy Chief Commissioner, Equality Commission NI

Writing in her latest blog, Deputy Chief Commissioner Rev Lesley Carroll talks about her involvement in this year's Mela festival.

"On Sunday 27 August I was privileged to represent the Equality Commission at the Belfast Mela. It was a refreshing and inspiring event, lit up by the sounds, colours and smells of the food - the clothing, culture and faiths that make up our society. It was a tangible expression of the concept of good relations in this community – something which the Equality Commission has a statutory remit to promote under the Race Relations Order.

The Mela (which means ‘meet’) reminded me that the Equality Commission’s work is first and foremost about people.  We challenge discrimination where it arises and ensure that legal protections for minority groups are maintained in order that everyone who lives in Northern Ireland can experience equality and fulfil their potential as equal members of society.

Mela offered the added bonus of discovering and celebrating the joy of diversity. It was an afternoon of relaxed enjoyment and many smiling faces. Without question diversity can be celebrated as an enriching experience for all."

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