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Information we provide

Publication scheme and minutes of meetings


The Equality Commission conducts all its business in an open and transparent manner and we routinely publish information on this website.


Publication scheme


Our publication scheme (pdf)  is a guide to the information routinely published by the Commission and provides details of where you can find it.


Requesting information


If you cannot find information on the website and we have indicated in the publication scheme that the information is available, this may be because the information cannot be loaded onto our website. In such circumstances please contact the Secretariat team to request the information directly.




The Commission provides approved minutes and supporting papers of the Commission. Approved minutes from its committees are also available through these papers. These will be published following the next meeting when the minutes are approved. 


How we manage our resources

The general framework within which we manage our financial arrangements is set out in the Management Statement and Financial Memorandum (pdf) agreed with the Executive Office (TEO) and published on our website.


Details on the financial outturns are contained in our yearly Annual Report and Accounts (pdf). The Annual Report contains a full Remuneration Report, which sets out details of payments and allowances to Commissioners and senior staff.


Lists and Registers

For full details of all the lists and registers published by the Commission, please refer to the publication scheme (pdf). The Commission maintains a Register of Senior Staff and Commissioners' Interests.


If the information is not provided, you have the right to request it under FOI legislation


The request should contain:


  • Details on the specific information you are seeking
  • Your contact details. If it is a request for complex or sensitive information, please supply a contact telephone number.
  • Please also identify any accessibility requirements you may have for receiving the information

If you wish to make an FOI request, write to our Freedom of Information and Data Protection Co-Ordinator - contact details are on page 5 of the Publications Scheme (pdf)

The Commission undertakes to respond promptly and, in any event, within 20 working days.


 About us