Public Authorities
The Commission recognises that policymakers may need to make quick and often challenging policy decisions. It is important that public authorities recognise that the duties set out in Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 continue to apply, even when implementing Covid-19 related policies. These duties provide a mechanism to identify and mitigate any adverse impacts of policies being developed and are important duties, particularly at a time of crisis and when policies need to be developed at pace. We continue to provide advice to public authorities during this time and have produced the guidance below.
Covid-19 related policies and Section 75 duties
Paul Oakes, Manager of the Equality Commission's Advice and Compliance team provides advice for public authorities on developing and implementing Covid-19 related policies in line with Section 75 duties.
Policy and research
Education and Covid-19
Covid-19 has the potential to exacerbate existing educational inequalities, both for children now and over their lifecycle. The Equality Commission's recommendations seek to take account of, and build upon, our existing calls for action to Government and to the education sector more broadly, to promote equality in education. See our Covid-19 Education recommendations
Covid-19: Disability and Access to Services
As part of our role as the Independent Mechanism for Northern Ireland (IMNI) to promote, protect and monitor implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Equality Commission and NI Human Rights Commission submitted a paper on the uneven impact of Covid-19 in relation to disability and access to services (pdf)
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