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How is our work influencing life in Northern Ireland and delivering equality? Learn more about our policy, legal and research work.

Disability Law Reform

What you need to know



We are calling on the Northern Ireland Executive to make urgent changes to the disability equality legislation in Northern Ireland.

These changes are aimed at addressing inconsistencies within the disability equality legislation to strenghten the rights of disabled employees, customers, transport users, tenants, students in further and higher education and pupils in schools, against unlawful discrimination and a failure to make reasonable adjustments. The changes will also give additional protection against discrimination for those who care for disabled people.

Our proposals for reform will help harmonise and simplify the legislation, as well as ensuring that Northern Ireland equality law keeps pace with legislative changes that have already taken place in Great Britain or are due to be implemented.

We consider that disabled people in Northern Ireland should not have less protection against disability discrimination, either in employment or when accessing goods and services, compared to disabled individuals in other parts of the UK.

Set out in detail below, are the changes we recommend, as well as the reasons underpinning our recommendations. In addition, a summary of the proactive steps we have taken in order to raise awareness of our recommendations for reform, and to secure support for the recommended changes.

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