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How is our work influencing life in Northern Ireland and delivering equality? Learn more about our policy, legal and research work.

Tackling age discrimination

What you need to know


Tackling Age Discrimination

Tackling Age DiscriminationI’m 75. I’m fit and healthy right now but if I was to become unwell and developed a condition affecting my heart, like a leaking heart valve, my experience might be very different to a younger person’s.

Cardiac services are under enormous pressure and difficult decisions are having to be made about scarce resources. It’s possible I could be turned down for surgery.

If I lived anywhere else in the UK I could be sure my age wasn’t the deciding factor. Anywhere else in the UK or in Ireland, I would have the right to challenge such a decision in court.

In Northern Ireland, I don’t have that right.

This is something you can fix. Help older people by changing the law on age discrimination and access to services.

Make equality a priority.


 Tackling Racial Discrimination     Tackling Educational Disability Discrimination 

Gender Pay Gap Reporting      Teachers' Exception from Fair Employment Laws   

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