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How is our work influencing life in Northern Ireland and delivering equality? Learn more about our policy, legal and research work.

Gender pay gap reporting

What you need to know


Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Gender Pay Gap ReportingMy sister and I both work in finance, she works in London and I work here in Northern Ireland. Before she applied for her current job, she was able to look at the gender pay gap in the company. She says the gender pay gap report can tell you a lot about how an employer views big issues like diversity and inclusion, promotion and progression for women and of course, basically, pay. She liked what she saw, got the job and is doing well at work.

But it’s not the same for me. Gender pay gap reporting is not the law in Northern Ireland. It doesn’t seem fair to me that my sister in England knows how her employer is rewarding its female staff in general, and I don’t. I believe we need gender pay gap reporting to help us tackle the gender pay gap.

You can help me with this. Make equality a priority. Bring forward gender pay gap reporting.


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