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How is our work influencing life in Northern Ireland and delivering equality? Learn more about our policy, legal and research work.

Tackling racial discrimination

What you need to know


Tackling Racial Discrimination

Tackling Racial DiscriminationI’m I’m a nurse and I’ve worked in Northern Ireland for 16 years and I have had to put up with racial slurs or abuse from patients and their visitors. Some people seem to feel they have the right to say whatever they want to me, and that I have to put up with it. This will often end up with them telling me to ‘go home’ or ‘back to my own country’. And the language they use can be really bad.

The sad thing is, my employer isn’t legally bound to take any steps to protect me from racial harassment by our patients or their visitors. All staff, including white nurses from Northern Ireland, get abuse, but having a different skin colour means I’m an easy target for crude racial abuse. Putting up with racial harassment from people I’m trying to serve ISN’T part of the job.

I came to help. You can help me by strengthening our racial discrimination laws against third party harassment.

Make equality a priority.


Tackling Age Discrimination     Tackling Educational Disability Discrimination 

Gender Pay Gap Reporting     Teachers' Exception from Fair Employment Laws   

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