Equality Awareness Survey (2011)
Would you discriminate against others because of their race or sexual orientation? Do you mind if someone has a disability, or does it only bother you if you have to work with a disabled person? Any views on Travellers, lesbians or older people? Who would you go to for advice if you suffered discrimination?
The answers to these questions provide a valuable insight into who the citizens of Northern Ireland are most likely to express negative feelings towards and who is most likely to be the target of their prejudice.
The Equality Commission carries out an Equality Awareness survey every three years which looks at trends in public attitudes towards particular groups in society, personal experiences of discrimination and knowledge of rights and protections under the law. |
- 1/3 of those surveyed said they had been subject to some form of harassment or treated unfairly because they belong to a particular group
- 91% agreed with need for equality laws
- 71% agreed our equality laws should be strengthened to match those of Great Britain
- Attitudes towards different groups as a work colleague, neighbour or married to a family member have hardened.
To read more of the findings and discover what Northern Ireland people really think of each other :
Latest Survey: A Question of Attitude (2018)

We asked respondents a series of 'social distance' questions to assess public attitudes towards ten equality groups. The scenarios explored how comfortable people felt with varying degrees of closeness to a member of a 'different' group. Respondents were asked whether they 'would mind' or 'would not mind' having a member of each group as a work colleague, a neighbour or if one of the group members were to marry a close relative.