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Lighting and communication

Every Customer Counts

What you need to know


Better lighting and communication

Make sure your building is well-lit so that signs, product labels, menus, steps, thresholds, slopes or door handles, can be easily seen. Good lighting is essential for lip-reading. If background noise and music make it difficult for customers and staff to talk to each other, turn the music down or off.

Hearing enhancements like induction loops will help support communication in meeting rooms, at counters and information points. Make sure that there are signs to show that these are available.

Being accessible is an ongoing aim – it is important to regularly check that everything is working as it should.

Be in the loop

The induction loop sign lets visitors know to switch their hearing aids to the T-setting.

Tips for lighting and contrast:

  • Avoid bright light and dark shadows
  • Highlight hazardous areas such as steps or other changes in level
  • Maximise light by keeping glass clean, maintaining lamps and blinds, and replace blown bulbs quickly
  • Minimise glare from large areas of white or reflective surfaces – this can be done by adjusting lighting
  • Use colours to guide the way
  • Use dark and light colours to distinguish between large features or areas, such as, doors, floors,
  • walls and ceilings
  • Smaller fittings, such as, light switches, handrails and door handles should also contrast well against backgrounds
  • Do not use large areas of mirrors or glazing without markings – these may be difficult to identify and people might walk into them and injure themselves.
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