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Equality plans - example

What you need to know

Here's how Interface developed an equality plan for our business
Linda Glass, HR Manager at global carpet tile manufacturer Interface, explains how they developed an equality plan for their business with support from the Equality Commission for NI.

Established in 1973 and based in Craigavon, Interface is the world's largest manufacturer and producer of carpet tile with just under 200 employees on site and over 2,500 employees worldwide.

Interface's equality plan has become the framework within which they review their business activities in terms of equality goals and priorities.

Here Linda, colleague Sorcha Eastwood and Paul Oakes from the Equality Commission for NI explore how the plan was developed, how it has been implemented and why it has been beneficial to the business.

Linda’s top tips:
  • "Understand your organisation - look at where your shortfalls are and why you have them"
  • "Communicate your plans to senior managment and get their buy-in from the beginning of the process"
  • "Remain committed and positive - it's a lot of hard work but very worthwhile"
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