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Lesley Caldwell

Recruiting people with disabilities

What you need to know


Case Study: Lesley Caldwell, Home Picking Shopper - ASDA

Lesley Caldwell thoroughly enjoys her job as a Home Picking Shopper for ASDA, it provides her with financial independence and a sense of fulfilment. During the Covid-19 pandemic Lesley was deemed a keyworker by government and played an important role in retail.
Lesley Caldwell
Beginning her journey with Asda in 2009 through a voluntary work placement, Lesley who has a learning disability, gained confidence in herself and her abilities whilst also getting the opportunity to explore the range of different job roles available within the Coleraine store.

Once confident in her environment, Lesley successfully secured a 12 hour post as a Home Shopping Picker in 2011 with support from Asda who accommodated Lesley throughout the interview process by putting reasonable adjustments in place.

Lesley spoke about her working life and the support she gained from the Triangle Progression to Employment Service and said: “I cannot thank Triangle enough for the help I have received. My Employment Officer continually offered me 1:1 coaching support involving on the job training where I learned how to break down tasks and complete them within the recommended time frame.”

“Working through the Covid-19 pandemic was strange and hard to adjust at the beginning. Due to new health and safety measures I can now start my shift in the middle of the night, but I feel really settled and this is all thanks to Asda and their commitment to staff and our safety. I really enjoy my job and the routine and structure it gives me- I am earning my own money and increasing my independence every day.”

Triangle Progression to Employment Service has over 22 years’ experience in delivering employment services to individuals with a learning disability and/or autism. Its aim is to provide the necessary support systems to enable job seekers to achieve and maintain meaningful employment in their local communities. The project is part funded through the Northern Ireland European Social Fund Programme 2014 – 2020 and the Department for the Economy and its service delivery model is designed around European Quality Standards and focuses on job seeker progression.
Lesley Caldwell

Lesley’s Employment Officer Tracey Steele said: “Triangle continues to provide Lesley with all the support she needs including exploring career progression opportunities within Asda. Working through the pandemic was tough for everyone but Lesley has thrived in her role and has adapted really well to all the changes in the store.”

Roy Warke, Manager of Asda’s Coleraine store added: “We’re really proud to have Lesley on our team here in Coleraine. She is a total asset, works hard, and is really committed to delivering great customer service”.

“Covid-19 has brought so many different challenges to retail and it’s been a difficult period for so many in our community, but it’s good to know that Lesley is playing such an important part in supporting our home shopping services which are valued and relied upon by so many of our local customers.”


This case study is part of the ‘Making it Work’ project – a partnership project with the Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment which aims to highlight the employment support services available to disabled people in Northern Ireland.

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