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GCD Technologies
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GCD Technologies
STEM Charter Signees
What you need to know
GCD Technologies - STEM Charter Signees
Software Firm GCD Technologies is a local custom software development company based in Lurgan. Established in 1999, it provides ambitious software to Northern Ireland and UK markets across sectors ranging from manufacturing, non-profit, health and tourism.
GCD Technologies has signed up to the Equality Commission’s STEM Charter, signalling its drive and support for equality in STEM careers.
In an industry largely dominated by male workers, 24% of the GCD team is female (
above the industry average of 16%
) and they operate across a range of disciplines including development, operations and marketing.
Speaking about the importance of equality and diversity in the workplace, Emma Kerr, Marketing Director, said: “We create custom software solutions for a wide variety of clients, so a diverse team that represents both genders makes for more creative solutions by bringing an array of ideas, viewpoints and perspectives to the table. This ultimately reflects the variation in needs of each of our clients and ensures we deliver the very best for each one of them.
“A diverse workforce is also essential for us in attracting and retaining the best talent. For us, it is about having women in leadership roles, about putting our beliefs into practice and modelling our commitment. It’s about working with all our female staff to set best practices that will encourage and support other women into our STEM roles. It’s about understanding their needs, what matters and what will break those barriers. And it’s about championing equality and challenging convention, a motto we stand by in software development.”
“We promote a culture where every member of the team has the tools and opportunity to excel in their career. We offer lots of options to help with balancing work and home life - flexible working, condensed hours, personal development plans, regular GCD family events and extended Christmas holidays for example.”
Stephanie Foster has been working in GCD as a Software Developer for two years. She appreciates GCD’s focus on equality in STEM careers. “I’ve been very glad of the work environment here which helps me balance work and home by offering flexible working and work-from-home options,” Steph said.
“Having the option to work remotely at times gives me a better handle on managing personal commitments and enables me to focus on my work which makes a big difference. Because I feel GCD management cares about me as a person, and my health and well-being, I feel comfortable discussing issues and concerns if they arise.
“I get plenty of opportunity to learn new technologies, and the feeling of being supported by peers has improved my confidence in my own abilities and allowed me to recognise the value of my contributions. Participating in our mentoring scheme has encouraged me to be more aware of my career goals and objectives which has improved my motivation and job satisfaction.”
As a company, GCD currently advocates STEM subjects and careers in schools across the local area through regular talks, school work placements and hosting Craigavon Coderdojo in an effort to promote gender equality from an early age.
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