Annual review of Equality Commission's work for 2016-2017 published.
Annual review 2016-17 - Dr Evelyn Collins CBE, Chief Executive, Equality Commission NI
I am pleased to present this review of the Commission’s activities last year, which highlights our work to promote equality of opportunity and challenge inequalities.
Our vision is of a more equal society in Northern Ireland. As an independent equality body, the Commission makes a key contribution to achieving this aim and that of a shared society that respects diversity - outcomes prioritised in the Programme for Government.
Working to advance equality is as critical as ever in Northern Ireland. The Commission applies its expertise and deploys its powers and duties across the range of equality issues. This includes giving people legal advice and assistance on potential complaints; working with employers and businesses to encourage improvements in organisational practices and informing and influencing public policy making from an equality perspective.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the staff and our many partners for their work during the year. Our staff have worked hard to deliver on all our responsibilities, despite significant reduction to our budget and staffing levels over recent years, and I was proud that we attained the Investors in People Gold Award this year.