Equality Commission reiterates the importance of protecting Northern Ireland’s equality law framework.
In advance of the House of Commons debate on “European Union (Withdrawal) Bill - second reading”, the Equality Commission reiterates the importance of protecting Northern Ireland’s equality law framework to ensure that any legislative changes that flow from the UK’s decision to leave the European Union fully deliver the Government’s commitment to non-regression on equality law.
The Equality Commission, the NI Human Rights Commission, the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Scottish Human Rights Commission are united in their commitment to the protection and enhancement of equality and human rights standards in all parts of the UK. The organisations have jointly identified a number of key priority areas which should be protected and advanced in the course of the UK’s exit from the European Union.
The joint priority areas are:
ensuring parliamentary scrutiny of any changes to the UK’s equality and human rights legal framework
retaining the UK’s equality and human rights legal framework as we leave the European Union and ensuring progression, not regression from existing mechanisms
ensuring the UK is a global leader in equality and human rights and adopts best practice that enhances protections
Dr. Evelyn Collins, CBE, Chief Executive of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland said: “The equality protections currently in place have been of great benefit to everyone in our society over many years. It is crucial that they remain a priority in the ongoing negotiations.”
Note to Editor
The Commission’s papers on Brexit are available online.