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Equality Commission welcomes appointment of new Commissioners

Equality Commission welcomes appointment of new Commissioners
New Commissioners and a Deputy Chief Commissioner appointed.

The Equality Commission today welcomed the announcement of the appointment of nine Commissioners by the Secretary of State for NI, including a new Deputy Chief Commissioner.

Dr Michael Wardlow, Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission, said: "It’s a great pleasure to welcome new Commissioners to work with us on the important task of promoting equality and challenging discrimination.  I welcome the diversity of backgrounds, experiences and expertise that the new Commissioners bring and look forward to working with them over the next three years.

“I’d also like to thank our outgoing Commissioners, each of whom has been generous in sharing their knowledge and experience and shown real commitment to our work to address inequalities and champion equality during their time as Commissioners.

“I am confident that both the new and continuing members of the Commission will maintain the commitment and enthusiasm of the outgoing members in working to advance a more equal and shared society in Northern Ireland.”

Deputy Chief Commissioner: Geraldine McGahey

Commissioners: Neil Anderson, June Best,  Theresa Donaldson, Hazel Francey, Stephen Mathews, Joe McVey,  Dawn Purvis and Katy Radford

Current Commission Members
Chief Commissioner: Dr Michael Wardlow

Commissioners: Eileen Chan-Hu, Deborah Donnelly, Duane Farrell, Helen Ferguson, Jarlath Kearney, Robin Mullan

Outgoing Commissioners
Deputy Chief Commissioner: Dr Lesley Carroll

Commissioners: William Gamble, Judith Gillespie, Tom Hartley, David Rose

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