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Is your workplace welcoming and inclusive? Complete our survey

Is your workplace welcoming and inclusive? Complete our survey
Our online employer and employee surveys are now closed

We asked employers and employees to complete two online surveys, to help us in our work to improve practices on harmonious working environments across a range of equality grounds in Northern Ireland.

Our Statement on Key Inequalities in Employment identified ‘prejudicial attitudes both within and without the workplace [are] experienced by people with disabilities, women, Trans people, lesbian, gay and bisexual people, people from minority ethnic groups, migrant workers and those of different religious beliefs.’

The results from these surveys will help the Equality Commission understand whether employees feel respected within inclusive and welcoming workplaces, their experiences and their views on how best to promote welcoming and inclusive working environments.

More than 3,500 employees and nearly 300 employers of all sizes and in all sectors completed the questionnaire for their organisations, The higher the response rate, the better the Commission’s understanding of workplaces in Northern Ireland will be and the guidance we develop for employers will be more practical and more useful. The findings will also help the Commission gather evidence of employer views with examples of good practices within their organisations.

Many thanks to everyone who completed the survey. We will now be collating and analysing the responses and will share them as soon as we can.
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