The Executive has today indicated that they intend to publish the draft racial equality Strategy for consultation over the next week.
The Equality Commission has been calling for publication of this Strategy for some considerable time, as we consider it provides a key opportunity to advance racial equality.
In April 2014 the Equality Commission finalized a paper, on which we had consulted widely over the previous six months, setting out its recommendations to advance racial equality in Northern Ireland.
As the Assembly prepares to debate a motion condemning recent racial attacks and firmly opposes racism, discrimination and intolerance of any kind we have attached a link to the Equality Commission’s policy paper "Promoting Racial Equality - priorities and recommendations" (pdf, 2014)
The Paper details nine priority areas requiring direct and immediate action are detailed in the Commission’s policy proposals. The paper is informed by the latest research and reports and extensive consultation with individuals and groups with an interest in racial equality issues.
It highlights the need to combat prejudicial attitudes and to develop robust and reliable statistical information. It urges the Executive to allocate targeted resources in areas like education, housing and health and to bring forward the Racial Equality Strategy with effective outcome orientated actions.
We believe that there is a need for legislative reform to strengthen the rights of individuals in Northern Ireland against racial discrimination and harassment and ensure, at minimum, the law here keeps pace with legislative developments in Great Britain.
Further information is available on the Race Equality section of our website.