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The Equality Commission is supporting Foyle Pride 2017

The Equality Commission is supporting Foyle Pride 2017
Foyle Pride is taking place on 19 - 26 August.

“Once again we are delighted to support this year’s Foyle Pride,” says the Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission, Dr Michael Wardlow.

“It provides an annual opportunity to celebrate the increasing diversity in our society and to reflect on how far we have come in achieving equality in this place we call home. It is clear that if we are to achieve a thriving and prosperous Northern Ireland, we need to continue tackle prejudice and harassment in all its forms in our society. Many challenges still remain.”

“We cannot afford to stand still. Events like Pride remind us that we need to renew our focus on tackling those challenges which are still faced on a daily basis by many people – simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity,” Dr Wardlow added. “To make the maximum impact we need strategies to enhance and protect LGB and trans rights coupled with appropriate actions to remove the remaining legal barriers. For example, Northern Ireland is now the only jurisdiction in the British Isles where same-sex marriage is not permitted.”

“We hope everyone enjoys the Pride celebrations and that the sun will shine,” concluded Dr Wardlow.

The Commission will be taking part in the parade and hosting a stall in Guildhall Square after the parade on 26 August. Staff will be there to give advice and information on LGB and trans equality rights.

Note to Editors:

The Equality Commission's sexual orientation and gender policy documents are available online:

LGB and Trans rights:


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