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Transgender Day of Remembrance - 20th November 2017

Transgender Day of Remembrance - 20th November 2017
Monday 20 November is Transgender Day of Remembrance


Monday 20 November is Transgender Day of Remembrance, when trans people worldwide who have died as a result of transphobia are commemorated.

Chief Commissioner Dr Michael Wardlow says: “Transgender Day of Remembrance is marked internationally and remembers all those who have faced violence and persecution because of their gender identity. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness about issues faced by trans people and to highlight some positive steps that all organisations can take to improve their service or their place of employment for trans people.

“No one should have to experience hatred or violence because of their gender – and that applies to all men and all women, including trans men and women. In Northern Ireland, while numbers of transphobic incidents are low, they have steadily crept up over the past year. The number of actual reported crimes carried out against trans people has remained the same.“

The Commission will provide support and advice for transgendered people as they strive to achieve equality, respect and dignity.”

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