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Promoting race equality in the health & social care sector

Promoting race equality in the health & social care sector
Event for employers

The Equality Commission and Business in the Community are running an event aimed at employers in the health and social care sector. It will provide advice and guidance on developing an ethnically diverse workplace and will look at the recruitment and retention of staff

Date: Tuesday 17 September, 10-11:30am
Venue: Musgrave Park Hospital, Stockman's Lane, Belfast BT9 7JB

The event will address barriers to recruitment, share best practice in retention, and provide support in relation to career progression and development. The workshop will include presentations from those who are actively addressing these issues.
We will explore the specific challenges facing this sector and how creating inclusive workplaces can enhance experiences of ethnically diverse colleagues and make the sector more competitive.
Participants will be introduced to Business in the Community’s Race at Work Charter, and positive steps employers can take when promoting an inclusive workplace. The Equality Commission will also discuss their
Racial Equality Action Plan (Word doc), an additional resource that employers can use.
This event is open to members and non-members of Business in the Community.


Race Equality in Health and Social Care Sector event


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