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Public Authorities: Section 75 Screening training video

Public Authorities: Section 75 Screening training video
Training resource for public authorities

Section 75 is the law, and it's good governance – public authorities must consider equality and good relations when revising and developing all their policies.  Screening is one of the key tools to enable public authorities to fulfil their statutory obligations and mainstream these duties into policy development.

To assist with this process, the Equality Commission has produced a training video for those who have responsibility for developing or reviewing policies:

We would be grateful if you would share this with your policy colleagues and hope that they will find it a useful resource to refresh on the key aspects of equality screening when they are developing or reviewing policies.  If, after watching the video, there are areas you would like to discuss, please get in touch. We're also interested in any feedback you or your colleagues have on this resource. Email us at

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