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Traveller Focus Event: 12 February, 10am-1pm, Craigavon

Traveller Focus Event: 12 February, 10am-1pm, Craigavon
Event Invitation


Tuesday 12 February 2019
Venue: Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, Craigavon

Event Format: 10:30am - 12:30pm presentations and discussions followed by lunch

The Equality Commission is holding an event which will focus on the equality issues faced by Travellers in Northern Ireland. We will hear first-hand from Travellers and those who work with them about what needs to be done to eradicate the inequalities facing them in education, employment and to tackle prejudice, amongst other issues.

Our Key Inequalities work identified persistent inequalities experienced by the Traveller community. To tackle these inequalities we have included commitments in our draft Corporate Plan for the next three years. We believe it is important to build partnerships to deliver on these commitments.

We will hear from Martin Collins (Pavee Point), on how the Traveller and Roma Strategy was developed in the Republic of Ireland and Bernadette McAliskey (Step NI) will discuss the equality issues raised by Travellers in her area. This will be followed by a discussion on a range of equality issues with an opportunity for questions and answers from the audience, finishing at 12.30pm with lunch and networking.

Who should attend?
We are especially interested in hearing from Travellers themselves and those who are willing to share their experiences, opinions and ideas on realising Travellers' rights. This event will be of particular interest to the Traveller community, Traveller support groups, public sector frontline and policy officers, local councillors and community organisations who are committed to improving racial equality in Northern Ireland.

Register Now
If you are interested in attending, please REGISTER ONLINE and provide any dietary or reasonable adjustments requirements you may have. Alternatively, you can contact Kelly McGinley, email or telephone 02890 890862.

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