Gender Pay Policy - Recommendations

The Commission has long-standing recommendations calling for Government to promptly implement a gender pay strategy for Northern Ireland; to implement pay reporting; and to deliver related actions in support of advancing equality in employment.
There is a strong case for tackling pay disparities and promoting employment equality. Actions by Government, employers, trade unions and others to tackle pay disparities, better match talent to opportunities, and better address barriers to full employment make good business sense, as they will increase productivity, benefit businesses and the wider economy, and help women and others fulfil their potential.
A Strategy for Gender Pay
We have called for a pay strategy and related action plan to address structural factors within society and the workplace which impact on employment equality.
We recommend action on a range of fronts - for example to ensure access to appropriate and affordable childcare which facilities participation in employment; to address to under-representation in certain sectors such as STEM; to address stereotypes that impact on education and career choices, and which often see women bearing the larger share of caring responsibilities; and to work with and support employers and others to implement policies that provide support and enable advancement for those entering or returning to the workforce, including after breaks for family or caring leave.
A strategy should set out the actions that will be taken across government, public services and wider society to address these issues, and to ensure employers and others are supported to understand any pay reporting obligations, and related actions they can take to address any identified issues.
Gender Pay Reporting
Pay gap reporting will assist and support employers to identify where pay gaps may exist in their organisation and to develop action plans to address any issues identified.
Collating and publishing pay information will also inform the wider structural and/or employer specific actions required to address these gaps. By increasing transparency, it will also make organisations more accountable for addressing pay inequalities in their workplaces.
The EU Pay Transparency Directive (2023)
The European Union (EU) Pay Transparency Directive (PTD) was passed in May 2023, with a deadline for transposition into law by 7 June 2026.
The UK Government has committed to ensuring that certain equality and human rights in Northern Ireland will continue to be upheld after Brexit, including a commitment to keep pace with certain EU equality rights. This commitment is set out in the Windsor Framework.
The Equality Commission, jointly with the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, has formed the view that the EU Pay Transparency Directive amends the EU Directive on Equal Treatment of Women and Men in employment and occupation, and therefore the law in Northern Ireland must be amended to ‘keep pace’ with that change.
Further Information
For further details on the protection of equality and human rights after Brexit, see
Recent Developments (2024)
The Department for Economy is progressing a ‘Good Jobs’ Employment Rights Bill, including via a
consultation which ran July – September 2024. In November 2024, the Department for Communities launched a
consultation on Gender Pay Gap Information Regulations seeking to give effect to Section 19 of the Employment Act (Northern Ireland) 2016. The consultation closes on 14 February 2025.
The Equality Commission is of the view that the EU Pay Transparency Directive changes the local context for such work. We continue to engage with key officials to emphasise the necessity of the Executive and NI Departments implementing the changes required by the Pay Transparency Directive.
Further Information
Recent work on gender pay reporting (2025)
We've called for:
- A commitment to transpose the relevant provisions of the EU Pay Transparency Directive
- Provision which meets the specific needs of Northern Ireland, reflecting international human rights standards and taking account of best practice
- A pay strategy and related action plan to address structural factors within society and the workplace which impact on employment equality.
Read our submission to the Dept for Communities consultation on Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Equal Pay - Guidance
A separate, but related issue, are current provisions in relation to equal pay.
Read more on equal pay