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Who are we

Remit and responsibilities, vision, mission and values

Remit and responsibilities


In general terms our statutory remit provides that we are to:


  • promote equality of opportunity and affirmative action
  • work towards the elimination of unlawful discrimination and harassment
  • keep relevant legislation under review
  • promote good relations between persons of different racial groups and good disability practice
  • oversee the effectiveness of statutory equality and good relations duties on public authorities


This statutory framework enables us to:


  • promote equality through a range of mechanisms (eg. by providing direct advice and support to individuals and organisations)
  • produce publications and run conferences and seminars
  • undertake research and educational activities
  • influence policy makers
  • assist individuals with complaints of discrimination under the law
  • consider complaints alleging failures to comply with an approved Equality Scheme and conduct investigations
  • use a combination of our powers to encourage and to enforce changes to policy, practices and procedures in favour of greater equality and good relations.


Vision, mission and values


Our Vision
The Commission’s vision is simple, we want to see a society in Northern Ireland where there is:


  •  Equality for all and a common understanding of the benefits of a more equal society


Our Mission


  •  Improve people’s lives through the effective implementation of our statutory responsibilities

Our Values
In addition to setting out what we want to achieve, it is also important to say how we want to achieve it. In carrying out our work with and for others, we aim to adhere to the following values:

  • openness, honesty and trustworthiness;
  • integrity, courage and impartiality; and
  • listening.


 About us Our structure