Enabling Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Individuals to Access their Rights under Equality Law
The Commission jointly with the Equality Authority commissioned research, to examine how equality bodies can enable lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people to secure their rights under equality law.
This research made it clear that LGB individuals experience barriers to accessing their equality rights due to a number of factors including their status and invisibility within society as well as issues associated with the legal framework. The report also highlights the need for action by a number of key stakeholders to promote and raise awareness of the rights of LGB people under equality law.
A Question of Attitude (2018)

We asked respondents a series of 'social distance' questions to assess public attitudes towards ten equality groups. The scenarios explored how comfortable people felt with varying degrees of closeness to a member of a 'different' group. Respondents were asked whether they 'would mind' or 'would not mind' having a member of each group as a work colleague, a neighbour or if one of the group members were to marry a close relative.
Do you mean me? Discrimination: Attitudes and experience in NI (2011)
The Commission's equality awareness survey '
Do You Mean Me?' includes social attitudes in Northern Ireland on a number of equality grounds, including sexual orientation.