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Consultation responses

The Equality Commission's responses to public consultations,
draft policies, strategies and discussion papers.
Dept for Communities: Engagement Survey on Welfare Supplementary Payments
Dept of Health: Reintroduction of hospital car parking charges
The Executive Office: Committee Inquiry into Gaps in Equality Legislation in NI
Dept for Infrastructure: Free and discounted fares on public transport (concessionary fares)
Dept for Work and Pensions: Work Capability Assessment - Activities and Descriptors
Dept of Education: circumstances which would enable a parent/carer to excuse their child from receiving age-appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights
Dept of Justice: Improving the effectiveness of Hate Crime Legislation in NI
NI Housing Executive: Supporting People Three Year Draft Strategic Plan and COVID-19 Recovery Plan 2022-2025
UK Joint Committee on Human Rights: Legislative Scrutiny - Bill of Rights Bill
Dept of Health: Cross departmental actions for vulnerable children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic period
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