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Consultation responses

The Equality Commission's responses to public consultations,
draft policies, strategies and discussion papers.
OFMdFM: A Sense of Belonging - Delivering Social Change through a Racial Equality Strategy for NI 2014-24
OFMdFM: Good relations indicator review
OFMdFM: Key Point Briefing - Racial Equality Strategy for NI 2014-2024
OFMdFM: Summary Position - Racial Equality Strategy for NI 2014-2024
Council of Europe: submission to the Committee of Experts on the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
DHSSPS: Provision of health services to persons not ordinarily resident regulations (NI) 2005, including amendments to specific provisions and extension to primary care services
Committee on the UK’s 3rd Monitoring Report: Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities
Dept for Employment and Learning: Policy proposals and draft regulations to implement EU Directive on temporary agency work
OFMdFM: Draft programme for cohesion, sharing and integration
Shadow Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
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