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Submission to European Commission against Racism & Intolerance

Submission to European Commission against Racism & Intolerance
We have published our submission to the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance’s fifth monitoring cycle report.

In our response we specifically focus on issues aligned to our remit which have been identified by ECRI as common topics for this cycle: legislative issues, hate speech and violence, and integration policies.

With respect to the specific focus of fifth cycle monitoring, the Committee may wish to consider recommending, via the UK State Party as appropriate:

  • that the NI Executive advances robust and comprehensive single equality legislation, harmonising and simplifying protections and giving effect to the commitment in the St. Andrews Agreement in 2006 to ‘work rapidly’ towards the development of single equality legislation
  • through single equality legislation or otherwise, that the NI Executive gives effect to the published recommendations of the Equality Commission with regards to making urgent improvements to race, fair employment and sexual orientation legislation – to address key inconsistencies, and ensure individuals in Northern Ireland have at least the same levels of protection as people in other parts of the United Kingdom
  • that any proposals for exceptions to equality law should be narrowly defined and objectively justifiable, providing legal clarity and appropriate safeguards
  • that the NI Executive produce equality strategies which convey leadership and gives effect to Equality Commission’s published recommendations for Race, Sexual Orientation and Transgender Equality
  • that the NI Executive develop a Refugee Integration Strategy and a Strategy for Travellers and Roma which take account of the published recommendations of the Equality Commission; and these individual targeted strategies should nest within or be considered a sub-set of an overarching (mainstreaming) Racial Equality Strategy
  • with regards to hate crime, actions in Northern Ireland to address under-reporting and support for victims; reviewing the legal framework for addressing racist violence; improving the accessibility of reporting for those for whom English is an additional language; improving minority representation in police and criminal justice staff; and co-ordinating action to address institutional racism.

Read our full submission:

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