In the year from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 the Discrimination Advice Officers dealt with 2,899 enquiries.
Of the enquiries received this year:
- 48.3% were about disability discrimination
- 20.81% were about sex discrimination
- 10.32% were about racial discrimination
- 7.93% were about religious/political discrimination
- 6.7% were about age discrimination
- 4.11% were about SENDO (Special Educational Needs and Disability Order)
- 1.83% were about sexual orientation discrimination
The percentage breakdown of enquiries has remained consistent over the past five years. The proportion of disability enquiries has fallen slightly from last year and SENDO enquiries were slightly up. In the past ten years, complaints about possible disability discrimination have been the biggest area of calls to the Commission’s help line, followed by complaints of alleged sex discrimination.
Your equality rights
For further information about equality law, and the different types of discrimination which are recognized under the law, see our sections on:
Discrimination advice team
The Equality Commission's discrimination advice team can provide information and advice for those who believe they have been discriminated against. If you require help telephone 028 90500600 (10am-4pm) or use our online forms:
Information for legal advisors
We can assist organisations that provide advice to people who believe they have been discriminated against. This includes providing information sessions for advisory organisations, briefings for political parties and accredited training courses (OCNNI). For further details see our
section for legal advisors
Law reform
The Equality Commission has a duty to keep equality laws under review and advise government on ways they could be improved. For further information on our recommendations for strengthening legal protection against discrimination see our
law reform section
The Equality Commission carries out investigations into public bodies’ non-compliance with their equality schemes (Section 75 investigations) as well as formal investigations under the provisions of anti-discrimination legislation.
The Commission has no powers to conduct investigations under the sexual orientation legislation [employment] and age legislation.