Statement on PSNI recruitment process
Statement on the upcoming recruitment process for a new Chief Constable for the PSNI
The Equality Commission has expressed its concern about the recent comments made by the Sinn Féin President about the appointment of a new Chief Constable for the PSNI and has written to the Policing Board to remind it of its responsibilities under equality legislation to recruit in a non-discriminatory way.
"Fair employment and equal opportunities legislation are built upon open and transparent practices, free from political interference and based upon the merit principle. This approach has been important in helping to create fair employment procedures on which all prospective applicants can rely," Dr Michael Wardlow, Chief Commissioner, said.
"The Policing Board will need to ensure that the principles of equality law are applied fully and rigorously in the forthcoming competition for a new Chief Constable and that all involved are aware of the critical importance of this."