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STEM Charter Signees
What you need to know
RLC UK - STEM Charter Signees
RLC UK employs more than 1,000 people over five sites including Newtownabbey and Langford in Northern Ireland. The company works on design for manufacture, prototypes, early product development, volume ramp, full rate production, spares and aftermarket, serving the civil and military aerospace markets.
RLC UK has signed up to the Equality Commission’s STEM Charter, signalling its commitment to welcoming women into its workforce. Currently women work at director level, in senior management roles and other departments such as Finance, HR, Supply Chain, Quality, Engineering and Operations.
Eileen McAleese, HR Manager, says: “Our factory in Newtownabbey is state of the art; we are continually developing our processes, some of which are not being done anywhere else in Northern Ireland and it is important to our senior management team that we attract and retain women into STEM roles so that we have the best and widest pool of talent to support our innovation.
“Before opening our newest factory, Global Point, in Newtownabbey back in 2016, we held jobs information evenings and whilst we were overwhelmed with the number of people who attended, we were surprised by how few women came along, despite the jobs information evenings being heavily and widely advertised. As our factory has developed and recruitment increased, we have had very few female applicants for our vacancies, even though all our advertisements carry our equal opportunities statement.
“Amongst the policies and procedures we have in place to encourage and support more women to work at RLC, we have flexible working arrangements, working from home, part time working, time off for dependants and enhanced maternity pay.”
Lisa McErlean
(pictured right)
is one employee who has used some these policies to help balance home, family and work. Lisa joined RLC at their Global Point site in Newtownabbey in 2018 and works as an IT Support Engineer.
“What first drew me to RLC was that the IT Support role was advertised with family friendly policies on the job description, and at interview stage RLC were happy to discuss flexible working and the pattern that would best suit my family life and childcare. From day one I have benefitted from the family friendly policies, flexible working patterns and childcare vouchers. I returned from maternity leave in November 2019 where I received RLCs enhanced maternity pay. RLC are a great company to work for, they value their people and the team here at Global Point work very well together. I look forward to a long career with RLC and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.”
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