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Equality Impact Assessments for Budget Allocation 2023-24

Equality Impact Assessments for Budget Allocation 2023-24
Equality Commission consultation responses

The Equality Commission has responded to consultations on the 2023-24 budget and spending plans for the following Government departments:



These critical decisions being taken by Departments could have a lasting impact on people and exacerbate existing inequalities.

Government departments have a legal duty to adhere to their Equality Scheme commitments and they must consider the equality and good relations impacts of each individual and collective budgetary decision. We’ve advised them that their Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) should include clear, relevant specific data to help assess:


  • will this decision worsen existing inequalities? and
  • what steps can be taken to avoid or reduce the likely impacts on people in our society

Each of the final EQIAs for Budget Allocation 2023-24 must also set out clear and specific arrangements on how they will monitor the actual impacts of each of its decisions as part of its continuing duty to equality and good relations.

We are preparing our responses to the other EQIAs currently being consulted on, in order of their response timelines and will continue to provide advice to all Departments in relation to their Section 75 statutory duties. If you have any queries, please get in contact

Further information is available online at


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