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News and press releases for 2015

17/12/2015 - Chief Commissioner welcomes refugees to Northern Ireland (press release)

10/12/2015 - Equality Commission welcomes agreement on racial equality strategy (press release)

08/12/2015 - Equality Commission publishes 25th Monitoring Report (press release)

04/12/2015 - The pressing need for a Racial Equality Strategy (press release)

03/12/2015 - International Day of Persons with a Disability (press release)

17/11/2015 - 20 years of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 – what’s changed for businesses? (article)

16/11/2015 - Investigation Report on Dept for Social Development’s compliance with its Equality Scheme commitments (press release)

10/11/2015 - Commission publishes 15th annual report 2014-15 (press release)

09/11/2015 - Marking 20 years of the Disability Discrimination Act (press release)

29/10/2015 - Commission reiterates support for introduction of same sex marriage (press release)

22/10/2015 - Woman made to retire at 63 settles age discrimination case (press release)

20/10/2015 - Business has a role in education (article)

19/10/2015 - South West employer equality update, Enniskillen 25th Nov (press release)

12/10/2015 - Equality Commission comment on security alerts at PSNI recruitment events (statement)

06/10/2015 - Making a difference for our children - Key Inequalities in Education (press release)

28/09/2015 - Commission responds to OFMdFM consultation on Age Law Reform (press release)

23/09/2015 - Officer settles discrimination case against PSNI for £11,250 (press release)

22/09/2015 - Under-representation of women on business boards (article)

14/09/2015 - Recognising and dealing with unconscious bias: free events for STEM employers (press release)

14/09/2015 - Equality Commission comments on publication of Assembly Education Committee’s Shared Education Report (statement)

11/09/2015 - Magherafelt and Dungannon companies working towards gender balance in STEM careers (press release)

09/09/2015 - Ensuring Northern Ireland responds to the needs of refugees (press release)

27/08/2015 - Conference on extending the law on age discrimination (press release)

25/08/2015 - Why diverse workforces present business opportunities (article)

31/07/2015 - Equality Commission marks twenty five years of Pride (press release)

29/07/2015 - Two claimants with hearing loss settle cases against public bodies (press release)

28/07/2015 - Extending age discrimination law for all (article)

20/07/2015 - Employer Training Programme: Sept 2015 - Jan 2016 (press release)

09/07/2015 - Chief Commissioner's blog: Learning to live together (blog)

16/06/2015 - The treatment of working mothers (article)

27/05/2015 - Equality Commission comment on Newry & Mourne Council Report into naming of McCreesh Park (statement)

26/05/2015 - Chief Commissioner reflects on the facts of Ashers decision (press release)

26/05/2015 - What the Ashers decision means for business (article)

22/05/2015 - Calls to boycott Asher’s products unhelpful to promoting equality (press release)

19/05/2015 - Court rules cake case was discrimination (press release)

19/05/2015 - Court Decision: Lee v Ashers Baking Co Ltd (press release)

15/05/2015 - Equality update for North West employers (press release)

13/05/2015 - Two race harassment cases against restaurant chain settle for £19,000 (press release)

29/04/2015 - Equality Commission statement on Ashers case (statement)

21/04/2015 - Offering best value and best service to all makes best business sense (article)

17/04/2015 - Uncomfortable Conversations - reimagining a shared future

21/03/2015 - Commission calls for a strengthened Racial Equality Strategy (press release)

20/03/2015 - Ards traders welcome disabled customers (press release)

18/03/2015 - Equality Commission statement on upcoming Ashers case (statement)

18/03/2015 - Businesses must not be blind to disability law (article)

12/03/2015 - Guide dog owner settles case with Bangor restaurant (press release)

09/03/2015 - International Women's Day 2015 - Let's vote for change  (press release)

23/02/2015 - Disability still tops discrimination complaints (press release)

19/02/2015 - Proposed changes to law on age discrimination (press release)

17/02/2015 - Pregnancy, maternity and employment in NI (article)

13/02/2015 - Commission comments on naming of McCreesh Park (statement)

13/02/2015 - Commission comments on Tribunal decision (statement)

06/02/2015 - Commission responds to conscience clause proposal (press release)

27/01/2015 - Holocaust Memorial Day (blog)

21/01/2015 - Formal investigation visits Fermanagh (press release)

14/01/2015 - Investigation into pregnancy/ maternity in the workplace (press release)

13/01/2015 - Why age discrimination law reform is needed (article)

05/01/2015 - Appointments to the Equality Commission for 2015 (press release)