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News and press releases for 2024

13/12/2024 - Staff Christmas event results in sexual harassment case (press release)

04/12/2024 - Change is needed to address inequalities in housing (blog)

04/12/2024 - New guidance: Supporting Autistic People in Employment (news)

04/12/2024 - Call for action on International Day of Persons with Disabilities (press release)

20/11/2024 - Equality football tournament on ‘International Men's Day’ (press release)

15/11/2024 - Public attitudes and awareness of rights after Brexit (blog)

15/11/2024 - Tackling prejudice-based bullying in education (blog)

30/10/2024 - Tesco pays £45,000 to settle sexual harassment case (press release)

15/10/2024 - Blog: End hate crime in Northern Ireland (blog)

01/10/2024 - The need for better protections for older people (blog)

26/09/2024 - Disability discrimination case settled against QUB (press release)

21/09/2024 - Statement on the Legacy Act Court of Appeal Judgement 

13/09/2024 - Advancing Equality and The Children’s Services Co-operation Act (blog)

12/09/2024 - Commissions launch Windsor Framework Article 2 Report (press release)

12/09/2024 - Waiting for racial equality in Northern Ireland (blog)

21/08/2024 - Investigation finds  Western Trust failed to comply with its Equality Scheme (press release)

20/08/2024 - Talent is everywhere, opportunity is not (press release)

07/08/2024 - Racism: the evil that must be eradicated from our society (press release)

02/08/2024 - Statement on anti-Islamic and anti-immigration protests

31/07/2024 - Equality Commission publishes Annual Report 2023-24 

30/07/2024 - Religious discrimination case settled for £6,500 (press release)

10/07/2024 - Latest fair employment monitoring report published (press release)

10/07/2024 - Sales rep settles disability discrimination case for £20k (press release)

24/05/2024 - Improving representation in public life (blog)

22/05/2024 - Race discrimination case settled against the Ryandale Inn (press release)

17/05/2024 - £160,000 settlement in disability discrimination case (press release)

14/05/2024 - The wait for equality strategies in Northern Ireland (blog)

10/05/2024 - £8k settlement in disability discrimination case against chip shop (press release)

26/04/2024 - UN Committee publishes report on follow-up to 2016 Inquiry (press release)

05/03/2024 - Women and equality in NI – International Women’s Day  (press release)

28/02/2024 - Statement on High Court ruling on The Legacy Act 

29/02/2024 - Industrial Tribunal decision overturned in disability case (press release)

21/02/2024 - DAERA settles Disability Discrimination Case for £50,000 (press release)

24/01/2024 - Age discrimination case settled for £75,000 (press release)