If your organisation provides advice to people who have experienced discrimination, we can help you.
We provide a number of training courses and sessions for advisory organisations, their staff and volunteers. These sessions are designed to provide a basic overview of the equality law. They aim to build awareness and confidence in recognising unlawful discrimination, the process for making a complaint and using the Commission’s referral system. All training sessions are free of charge.
Sessions include:
- The Commission - who we are and what we do. What our legal team can do for you, the range of services and how we decide which cases to support to court or tribunal
- Understanding the Industrial Tribunals – a look at practices and procedures, how it works and what to expect
- Introduction to equality for advisors - equality laws made easy
- Identifying discrimination and challenging discrimination – determine if equality laws have been breached and what the remedies are
Evaluations from training and information sessions include:
“all information provided was extremely useful and relevant”
“better equipped to tackle discrimination queries”
“found the sessions very beneficial and learnt a lot about equality”
If you would like to arrange a legal training session for your organisation, please contact mkitson@equalityni.org, Tel: 02890 500556
This is a three day programme run in partnership with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and Advice Northern Ireland members. It provides participants with an in-depth study of current equality laws and how to apply them in advisory situations.
Accreditation: The course is undertaken as an Open College Network (OCNNI) accredited qualification and is accredited with two units of OCN level four (equivalent to an undergraduate first degree level).
To gain the qualification participants are assessed by completion of a portfolio, which consists of case studies and research for external verification and completion of an online test. Costs apply to the accredited qualification, details are available on request.
Course content includes:
- Introduction to equality (overview of the grounds and scope of law)
- Understanding the legal process and how the Commission can help, with input from the Commission’s legal staff
- Discrimination in employment, equal pay and vocational training
- Exemptions and positive action measures
- Discrimination in goods, facilities, services, housing, transport and education
- Public sector equality duties
Dates for the next training course will be posted on both the Equality Commission and the CAB websites
These briefing sessions are specifically for support workers and staff in constituency offices of MLA’s and political representatives in Westminster and Brussels. The purpose of the sessions are to:
familiarise political officers with the Commission and how to access its services
to identify the current equality laws
how to identify the various grounds of discrimination
how to assist members of the public who may have been discriminated against
These sessions are provided free of charge and can be at your constituency office or a suitable venue of your choice. The sessions will be interactive with lessons from recent case law.